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Unlock the Piano:

A Scientific Theory



       The relationship between consciousness and God is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been explored by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. In this theoretical thesis, I propose that music serves as a medium to understand and connect with this relationship. By examining the brain's cognitive function, the concept of consciousness, the role of sound healing in the soul, and the universal connection through vibration and energy, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how music can facilitate a deeper relationship with the divine. By exploring the unique ability of music to influence our consciousness, emotions, and connection to the universe, I hope to offer a new perspective on the role of music in spiritual development.




       Music can heal, inspire, and connect us to higher consciousness. It is a universal language that transcends words, expressing emotions that are felt by all. In this paper, I will explore the connection between consciousness and God through the medium of music, using the piano as a lens to understand this relationship. We will examine how mastering the sounds of the keyboard can allow an individual to connect with the source of life, how playing an instrument can physically restructure the brain and improve cognitive function, how music can alter our states of consciousness and shift our perception of reality, how it can heal the soul and dissipate negative energy, and how it allows us to experience the divine principle of harmony that underlies the universe's structure and the self.


The Brain 

[Cognitive Function]


       Learning to play a musical instrument is an artistic and aesthetic experience that differs from any other activity studied. It requires a mental effort analogous to a full-body workout for the brain, as learning to play music engages practically all brain areas at once. Neuroscientists have used fMRI and PET scans to observe that listening to music stimulates multiple brain regions simultaneously, and playing a musical instrument enhances these stimulations (source A). Learning to play an instrument increases grey matter volumes in the brain's motor, auditory, and visual-spatial regions (source B). Grey matter processes information in the brain and helps distribute nutrients and energy to neurons, improving neuron functioning and communication (source C). Learning an instrument is also associated with increased corpus callosum volume, which connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain. A larger corpus callosum allows messages to travel more quickly and through many paths between the brain's hemispheres (source A), resulting in a more robust and well-connected brain.

       Furthermore, a study that monitored the brains of musicians and non-musicians listening to music revealed that musicians' brains fire neurons more symmetrically than non-musicians when hearing music. The degree of symmetry varies depending on their instrument (source D). Professional keyboard players' brains responded more symmetrically than other musicians because playing the keyboard requires a more mirrored use of the hands and fingers. The complex and varied bimanual coordination in playing the keyboard is challenging for the brain to process (source E). Playing the piano with skill requires a complex integration of memory and muscular coordination that no other human activity similarly demands. Therefore, achieving this skill and unlocking the piano is one of the most stimulating activities for the brain (source F).


The Mind 



       Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness of one's existence, thoughts, sensations, and surroundings (cited source G). It exists on a spectrum produced by the brain's electrical impulses known as brainwaves. These brainwaves consist of delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves (source H) and correspond to different consciousness states, ranging from deep, dreamless sleep to higher conscious perception. Brainwave entrainment uses pulses of sound or light to influence brainwaves (source I). Repetitive pulses elicit a brainwave response that causes brainwaves to resonate with the frequency of the repeated sound or light vibration. Listening to or vocalizing particular tones and rhythms can alter our states of consciousness and shift our perception of reality. For instance, the pulses of rhythmic drumming and chanting in shamanic rituals, such as those of the Native Americans, can induce a deep trance-like state that allows one to discover the unconscious mind and other dimensions of consciousness (source J).

       In particular, theta waves correspond to the mental state that bridges the conscious and unconscious mind. When our minds are in a theta state, such as when we are sleeping, or in deep meditation, our senses withdraw from the external world and focus on internal signals, producing a sensation of detached relaxation. We experience dreams, vivid visualizations, profound creativity, and exceptional insight in this state. Theta waves facilitate many positive mental phenomena, including storing and accessing long-term memories, exploring unconscious material, emotional healing, recovery from addiction, and developing a sense of unity and deep spiritual connection with a higher power of the universe (source K).

       In unlocking the piano, maneuvering the keyboard's structure and sounds can become second nature, allowing an individual to enter a meditative state of playing. In this theta state, while playing, the brain hones in on the mind's internal signals, allowing it to lucidly explore the depths of one's consciousness.


The Soul

[Sound Healing]


       We all experience various types of pain and suffering throughout our lives. Some painful experiences can be so extreme that we repress them deep in our subconscious. As a result, this severe pain and suffering affect our everyday behavior and emotions without consciously registering those negative feelings. Thankfully, sound and music can serve as therapy to heal the negativity that troubles us. Music has an inherent quality that promotes internal peace and harmony. Sound can naturally purify the soul, a person's deeply-felt moral and emotional nature, by lifting the lingering burdens that seem to weigh on us.

       The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is credited with discovering the harmonic intervals or mathematical ratios of harmony. These ratios established the seven-note scale of the Greek system that is the basis for the modern Western music system (source L). Though Pythagoras codified the scale mathematically, musicians before him had long used it for its naturally pleasant sound. Nonetheless, he investigated the therapeutic value of harmony. He discovered that the seven modes of the Greek music system had the power to incite or allay various emotions (source M).

       Specific attributes of music, such as intensity, tempo, dissonance, and pitch, are strongly associated with emotional expressions. Music played in particular modes and with specific beats and rhythms can affect our feelings. For example, melodies played at a slow tempo evoke low energy, such as sadness. In contrast, pieces played at a fast tempo evoke high-energy emotions, such as anger or joy (source N). When we listen to or play uplifting or deeply melancholy music, our corresponding emotions flare, and those feelings become easier to process. Music can improve many ailments, such as sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, stress, pain, and trauma (source O). Familiarizing oneself with the harmonic structure of sound is necessary to unlock the piano. Internalizing the harmonic network of the keyboard can result in a healing and peaceful phenomenon based on the emotions freely playing the instrument produces.


A Greater Universal Connection


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” 

– Nikola Tesla


       The universe is synonymously known as a cosmos because it is a highly complex yet orderly system. Two factors that determine much of the physical universe are energy and matter. Everything is energy, and everything is in a state of vibration (source P). Frequencies of vibration determine how matter manifests itself because they give it unique qualities. The study of cymatics, for example, demonstrates how the vibration and frequencies of sound physically influence matter and life—and by extension, how vibration is behind the creation of the physical universe. With cymatics, the vibration of sound waves can be observed, shifting particles into geometrical patterns, and a change in frequency results in a difference in the pattern (source Q). As the frequencies of vibration increase, their wave patterns manifest different forms. For instance, frequencies above that of sound begin to display in the form of heat, while even higher frequencies assume the form of light.

       While frequencies of vibration determine the form of the physical universe, there must be more profound principles that govern these frequencies and the natural phenomena of the universe. The universal code, source, and root of all things is number. Everything is composed of the elements of number (source R). Mathematics, the science of numbers, simplifies the natural phenomena of the universe into terms we humans can comprehend. It is known as the universal language because mathematical properties define everything. While mathematics is the abstract form of the universal language, sound and music are the spoken form, and light and color are the visual forms.

       Familiarizing ourselves with the harmonic ratios that determine sound division allows us to experience the divine, universal principle of harmony reflected in our being. Understanding the cosmos will enable us to understand ourselves because the individual is a microcosm of the greater universe. The universe is a cosmos because it is a whole of wholes. All things are related to it and each other through whole-part and proportional relationships. Harmony allows parts to function together as an integrated whole. While numbers describe relationships of proportion, proportion describes the principles of harmony. Through music, we can form a relationship with the universe that is more intuitive and unconscious, more felt than thought.




       Music is more than entertainment. It is a powerful therapy that transcends words because it expresses universal emotions. Our thoughts and emotions are forms of energy. Music ironically serves as an instrument allowing this energy to flow through us and be shared rather than remain stored within. Unlocking an instrument can liberate repressed emotions from past traumas, dissipating negative energy and creating internal harmony.

       We are all connected through music as the scale notes are attached. The feelings produced by music are shared by us all. Whether one is a singer, dancer, musician, or simply a music enthusiast, the effect of music is undeniable. For me, music is the light that illuminates my darkness. Unlocking the piano heals me by filling the void left by my mother's death. By unlocking the piano, I am not only learning a new skill that challenges my cognitive abilities but also more aware of my consciousness and the greater universal consciousness that we are all a part of. The piano is the instrument through which I connect with God. God is the higher consciousness distributed throughout all aspects of the universe—the cause of all, the intelligence of all, and the source of all power and energy.

       Through music, we can explore the connection between consciousness and God. By mastering the sounds of an instrument, we can connect with the source of life and experience the divine principle of harmony that underlies the universe's structure and the self. This connection allows us to access more profound levels of consciousness and even heal our souls of negative energy. The power of music and its ability to affect our emotions and consciousness demonstrates the universal connection we all share through vibration and energy.

       In reflecting on my journey with music, I have come to understand that unlocking the piano is a deeply personal and transformative experience. It has allowed me to confront and heal from past traumas and to connect with a higher power. I hope that by sharing my story and the Qzye View, I can offer a new perspective on how an individual can form an intimate relationship with God through music. Whether one chooses to unlock an instrument or listen to music, I hope that one can come to understand and appreciate the passionate feeling experienced through the power of sound and vibration.





Music and the Brain







X. the neuro-pianist: 




Music and the Mind









Music and the Soul








A Greater Universal Connection









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